dubiousMatch8 was born one day while reporting in to my children, all in their fifties, about my internet date. I have three children and at least three friends who demanded I call them at the end of the date to make sure I was still alive. Being lazy and also a non-phone person, I wrote them an email. Ah ha, killing six birds with one stone. No flies on me!

It was a funny email which provided everyone with a few laughs and led to "why don't we start a blog"....so here we are sharing a few of our dating experiences and inviting you to EMAIL us at dubiousmatch8@gmail.com about your humorous dates. With your permission, we may publish it on this blog.

Monday, December 12, 2011


"Mom, you could meet a really nice man who you could do things with.....go out to lunch, have coffee, movies, dinner and take drives".

This advice comes from my two oldest daughters, both in their 50's, who after a thousand winks and dating ginks finally were somewhat successful.  Well, actually one of them was married to Mr. Match after a year's courtship and I have to admit he is a really super guy and the other daughter still goes dancing with Eli Harmony.

What the hell would I do on a dating site?  Men my age want a nurse with a purse and God knows I don't qualify as a nurse (yuck) and I am not about the share my purse with a stranger!!

OKAY, so I tried it.  $60.00 up front for 90 days.  Out of 123 guys on the website, most with names like "Bigdumbdummy" and "Dinglebob". there was one 74 year old knight in shinning armor.....a rep tie, a tweedy sport coat, a college degree, nice furniture in the background and he is holding a birthday cake.  How sweet!  A family man?  A baker?  Hmmmmm, his profile said he is looking for a woman age 45 -65.  So what? I am over 65.  Should I?  Should I what?  Send a wink.  Are you nuts?  I'm here all by myself, no one will know!  CLICK. I did it.  I winked.

Next morning, my ego soaring in anticipation of hearing from "the wink" and receiving at least several "winks and emails" from other guys with funny names, I rushed to the computer............NADA!

If you amortize the $60.00 over 90 days, that was a waste of $1.10.