dubiousMatch8 was born one day while reporting in to my children, all in their fifties, about my internet date. I have three children and at least three friends who demanded I call them at the end of the date to make sure I was still alive. Being lazy and also a non-phone person, I wrote them an email. Ah ha, killing six birds with one stone. No flies on me!

It was a funny email which provided everyone with a few laughs and led to "why don't we start a blog"....so here we are sharing a few of our dating experiences and inviting you to EMAIL us at dubiousmatch8@gmail.com about your humorous dates. With your permission, we may publish it on this blog.

Monday, April 2, 2012


You know how all your women friends want to advise you on most any subject?  Mention Internet dating and they go berserk.  Did you hear about this preteen  or that teen who had a bad experience?  Mostly, they are talking about the innocent.... ...the young kids who don't have a clue.  This is a sad and lamentable situation, but I am 77 years old, and hopefully, I do have a clue.

So, I was talking to my old friend, Dot.  We have been friends since grammar school and grew up in the same neighborhood.  In high school, I dated her  husband before she did.  Nice guy! She won! Anyway, I was telling her about a guy who lives in my town, who I am not interested in, because he hasn't posted a photo or written anything about himself.  (I say, he probably can't read.)  He keeps sending me messages like "Write me a line", "Tell me about yourself", which of course, I ignore.  Dot got all huffy, breathing heavily through her nose and said, "Well, answer him"!!  "Send him a message,  just say "Why?"

She goes on further, digging deep from within the deep recesses of her mind.  "Did you hear about the guy who was arrested when the defrosted body of his ex-girlfriend was found in a broken freezer?  I replied, "No".  Dot was really getting pissed at my ignorance,  "Well, if you insist on going out with a guy named Wingnut, ask him if he has a freezer, but not until after he pays for your lunch".


  1. Okay! All righty then! Very funny.

  2. Jeez Louise and for crying out loud! Dot is right.....ask this prospective person (loser or winner....but most likely loser) "why?". If he isn't willing to answer this then hit the "delete" button. Life is short - who wants to waste time on some silly game or a man who is afraid to express himself. Get it, got it.....GOOD!
